Monday, February 15, 2016

Scams -Home Business Scams - Online Money Making

Scams What are they?

Firstly let us agree on how we understand the word scams.
Scams are basically tricks to relieve you of money or possessions, by deception.
In other words you are handing over money or goods for something that:-

· Does not exist

· Does not work

· Is extremely poor quality

· Vastly exaggerates the performance and claims of the product

· Was never the vendors to sell

These scams can be broken down into various categories, i.e. Health cures, Domestic problems, Work related, Leisure related, Money related, etc.
All these categories can be further broken down into subsections depending on how the scams are dangled like a carrot in front of us. Be it via TV adverts, Journalistic adverts, direct selling or on the Internet.

The scams we shall be dealing with initially are brought to your attention via the Internet. These will be the Home Business Scams

Home Business Scams

Home Business Scams are really, in our opinion, the most prevalent scams around on the Internet today.
Just about everybody would like to find a simple way to earn extra money at home. This would help pay for the next vacation, a new car, new clothes, pay off credit card debt.... etc etc.

These Home Business Scams that you will come across attract you initially with lots of CAPITAL LETTERS and lots of Punctuation!!!!!!
Then, when they have caught your eye, they make promises of vast riches, easy money, lavish lifestyles etc. All involving little or no work on your behalf.
Home Business Scams typical example:-

You Too Can Earn $1000's

Make Money In Your Pyjamas!!

We Show You The Secret Here!

ww. Home Business Scams dot soandso

At this point you should take a break. Look around and check out a few of the adverts available for Home Business Scams. Go back and put Scams into Google. Click on a few of the adverts on the right hand side. Observe the sales pitches that are thrown at you!

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